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15 Inventive Ideas for Arranging Photographs

Stored in albums or increasingly on the computer’s hard drive, the hundreds of photographs we take of people or special events or even as a hobby end up getting a little forgotten. “Where to put” and “in what way” turn out to be the main questions, but… we help with these 15 ideas.

1- Group Frames Together

Although not always exposes enough space to display a large group of mountings with photos, the truth is that a set of frames is more visually appealing than having multiple frames around the same space. Group them together on tables, shelves, sideboards, walls, doors and ceilings… experiment until you find what you like best.

2- Paste Directly 

Photographs don’t always have to be displayed in frames: they can be pasted directly to a wall, symmetrically or randomly; they can cover a fridge or a wall covered with magnetic paint or a painting with the same effect – secure them with matching magnets for a very cool look.

3- Corridor

A corridor is always an excellent space to display photographs, and it can even be transformed into a kind of gallery: just place the images in all the same frames and hang them with the same distance between each one. For an even more dramatic effect, place frames on both sides and even on the wall at the end of the hallway. Another option is to use frames of the same color but different sizes, or expose some horizontally and others vertically. For a flawless artistic arrangement, glue a strip of thick masking tape from one end of the wall to the other and hang frames directly above and below this line.

4- Flight of Stairs

Another perfect place to decorate with photographs is on the wall that accompanies a flight of stairs – as this one is not all the same (unlike a hallway, for example) you can play with the space, where the secret is to perfectly fit frames of distinct dimensions. A set of single-color frames always looks good, but for a more eclectic decor, it’s also possible to display a group of all different frames.

5- Two Glass Plates

A very creative idea involves displaying several photographs between two glass plates, which serve as a table top – for the kitchen, living room, office and even bedside tables.

6- Corner

Create a corner only to expose a collection of photographs, to install two or three individual shelves to fit on the wall where you can display mountings or simply pull frames. A similarity between the frames turns this space into a private gallery, which can be easily refreshed by moving the mats around or on the shelf.

7- Glue the Photographs

If you don’t need frames, you can glue each photograph onto colored cardboard, in tones consistent with the surrounding environment, and fix it to a wall, like a collective work of art.

8- Chic look

And what do you think of suspending various frames with satin ribbons from an existing or purchased curtain rod and hanging a little lower than usual? The end result is amazing. If you prefer a more contemporary look, choose a smooth rod and hang the frames (preferably square and all the same) using your own wire. Very chic!

9- Family Tree

Have you ever thought about displaying your photographs on a wall in order to create a family tree? The idea is very funny and simple to carry out, and frames of the same color can be used but in different sizes, to ensure a certain visual interest.

10- Unexpected Places

Display photographs in unexpected places: pasted inside kitchen cupboard doors or wardrobes, on the front door (it’ll be the last thing you see when you leave and pretty much the first when you enter!), on the fireplace wall or in the bathroom.

11- Hang the Photographs

Instead of placing frames next to books on shelves, hang them on the frame itself, horizontally and vertically, between the different shelves.

12- Group photos 

Group photos in similar tones, pasting them to a wall or other surface, forming a letter or name: “J” to display on a child’s headboard or next to their study table; “father” on your office wall =, for example.

13- Hanging and Fixing Photos

Hanging colored satin ribbons on a wall and fixing photos with small wooden pegs or original hooks is a funny idea, not only for displaying and admiring photos, but also for replacing them frequently and easily.

14- Set of small frames

A set of small frames all the same size and displayed side by side, forming two or three rows, can easily be transformed into an original headboard. Alternatively, a shelf can be installed on top of the bed to display a beautiful collection of mats. Both of these projects are even better if they combine the decor and color palette that already exists in the space.

15- Coloured or Black and White

When displayed in groups, the ideal is for the photographs to be all in color or all in black and white – it contributes to the harmony of the collection and allows the gaze to be fixed and not a visual noise where one tries to see everything at once.