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9 Ways to Organize Shoes in Your Home!

Do you have difficulty organizing shoes in your house? You have little space to store your shoes, so do you have difficulty organizing them? Have you tried everything, but in your day-to-day shoes are always disorganized? It may be that you are not putting into practice the main tips on how to organize shoes that I will talk about in this article.

Having few shoes, dividing the types of shoes into categories and optimizing spaces are some tips on how to store shoes in an organized manner. In addition, the following tips will help you keep organized in your day-to-day, making you spend less time arranging your shoes.

1- How to put shoes in the wardrobe?

How you organize your shoes in the wardrobe depends mainly on the available spaces you have for this. So, the first tip on how to organize the shoes in the wardrobe is: define the space you intend to use for this purpose. In addition to this important tip, here are other important aspects of storing shoes in the wardrobe.

  1. Define the space you will use for the organization;
  2. Select the shoes you will save and create categories for the organization (example, boots, sneakers, flats, flats, among others);
  3. To store it on shelves, you can place one shoe next to the other or a specific support to place one foot on top of the other and optimize the available space;
  4. On shelves, it is possible to use organizer boxes and thus divide the shoes into categories;
  5. To organize drawers, create categories and fit shoes as best as possible.

However, if you’re still having a hard time organizing your shoes in your wardrobe, here are some really cool ideas on how to organize your shoes in your small or large wardrobe.

2- How to organize shoes in small spaces?

The best way to organize shoes in small spaces is to have fewer shoes and optimize storage space. So, here are some tips on how to store shoes in a small space:

How to organize toys: tips, inspirations and more!

  1. Use organizers and other objects that allow you to optimize storage spaces;
  2. Explore all storage options, even the least likely ones;
  3. Shoe organizers are great items to store in places where space is tight.

However, here are some inspirations on how to store these items correctly and keep organized on a daily basis.

3- How to organize shoes on shelves?

Those who have shelves available for organizing their shoes, cannot fail to check out the following tips:

  1. Place one foot of the shoe next to the other (it can be both forwards or one forward and the other backwards, as you prefer);
  2. Separate the shoes by model, for example, sandals, sneakers, pumps, sneakers, flat shoes, boots, among others;
  3. Separate shoes by color, for example, start sandals with white, brown, black and colored and do this with other shoe models;
  4. Place the shelves very close together, as it allows you to make better use of the spaces;
  5. Use shelves with little depth, as shoes must always be visible to ensure good organization.

4- How to organize shoes in the shoe rack?

Although this is the ideal place to organize the shoes, this does not mean that the shoe rack is always organized. On the contrary, keeping this item organized requires planning and knowledge. Therefore, the tips on how to store shoes in the shoe rack are:

  1. Create a classification for the organization, it could be by type of shoe or time of year, for example;
  2. Set aside shoes that are in good condition, but that you no longer wear for donation;
  3. Old and damaged shoes must be discarded or repaired before going to the shoe rack;
  4. Separate each shoe by model and color, always leaving the most used shoes in the front or at a comfortable height to pick up and store frequently.

There’s no secret how to organize shoe racks, but by following these tips you’ll find it’s much easier to keep your shoes tidy.

5- How to organize shoes in the closet?

The closet usually has its own space for storing shoes. As it is open, it is important that this space is always organized and with easy access to shoes. This ensures a better appearance for the closet and makes it easier to use the shoes on a daily basis.

To organize shoes in the closet, you can check out tips on how to organize shoes in drawers, boxes, shelves and even shoe racks. So, here’s a summary of these top tips that apply to the closet as well.

6- How to organize shoes in drawers?

To organize shoes into drawers, use different drawers for the shoe models you have. For example, a drawer for sneakers, another for sneakers, another for flats, and so on. In some cases, you can group different types of shoes to fill a drawer completely.

The most important thing is that there is a clear separation of types of shoes, colors and models. Also, if you can organize according to the season or frequency of use, it will help your routine even more.

7- How to organize shoes in boxes?

Organizer boxes are great items for organizing shoes, both inside wardrobes and shelves, shoe racks and closets. If you don’t want your shoes to be on display, put the items neatly and organized into boxes with different categories.

For example, a box with winter shoes (boots, sneakers, closed and warm shoes), a box with summer shoes (flat, flats, flats, sandals and flip-flops), among other ways to organize.

8- How to store shoes in the bedroom?

Do you have trouble finding space to organize your shoes in your bedroom? Your biggest problem is not leaving your shoes all over the room? So, look at these ways to arrange shoes in the bedroom.

9- How to store shoes in the lobby?

Having a small shoe rack in the lobby is a great way to store shoes in this area. However, see some more inspirations to help you.