Home Improvement

11 Flashes to Renew the Corner Creating the Mood of Coziness

Each person has a corner of the house that they consider more special, the bedroom for rest, the room where you receive friends or even the kitchen. Regardless of your choice of favourite environment, we’ve put together really cool tips to give that extra touch and create fantastic decor to redesign your home.

With easy tricks, it is possible to create unique and cosy environments.

1 – Lines and neutral tones

Neutral tones convey a sense of warmth and relaxation, making them great for bedrooms and living rooms.

To make the environment more modern and exciting, bet on combinations with differentiated furniture and the lines stand out. If you find furniture or decorative items with sinuous or curved lines, be sure to bet. It’s the composition that makes the environment lighter.

2 – Color palette

Harmonious colours for the bedroom

The use of colours in decoration has the power to leave a more or less receptive environment.

A tip valid for all environments, specifically for the bedroom, is creating a harmonious colour palette.

However, those who liked the first tip of neutral tones want a more lively touch in the environment and add more vibrant colour in some details.

An excellent strategy to make your decor more modern is concentrating the colour on just one of the walls.

Interestingly, the bedroom is on the wall behind the bed, as vibrant colours can become tiring over time and disturb the rest.

3 – Kitchen for the family meeting

If the kitchen is the particular corner of your house, the tip for redesigning it is: look for the possibility of creating a more intense communion among the residents.

A good strategy is to add a counter in the middle of the room, so it will be possible to gather people for a friendly chat while the house chef prepares your tasty dishes. Add stylish stools and gain a modern, inviting kitchen.

4 – The reading corner

Reading corner is part of decoration to redesign the house

When planning home decorating, be sure to consider a reading corner, one of the most relaxing pastimes out there. It could be a little piece of your living room, for example. And, be composed only of a comfortable armchair, so you can relax while reading a good book.

Placing this armchair in a well-lit spot, preferably near a window, will make your reading experience more comfortable and economical.

5 – Decorative elements with natural textures

To make your house decor even cosier, add some natural texture elements, such as straw, for example.

It can be a small piece of furniture or even a decorative object. The nature bias draws a lot of attention, even though the rest of the room has heavier colours.

It can be a solution for environments that lack more joy. With that, they will become more receptive to residents and visitors.

6 – Plants

Plants have the power to make environments cosier and light instantly. Entering a room with green elements makes us feel more significant contact with nature, which, already scientifically proven, reduces stress.

When rethinking your home’s decorative design, it’s worth considering including plants as part of some rooms. You can start more timidly, adding a vase here and another there, and then spread the green dots more ostensibly, with vertical gardens, for example.

Check the conditions for each type of plant you want to grow; some do not adapt well to indoor environments.

7 – Sugary tones

Do you want to make your room cosier, in the right measure? So add elements with sugary hues. That is lighter tones such as water green, rose, baby blue, among others.

Just make sure the room doesn’t look too childish. To avoid this, concentrate these shades on bed linen, small objects or some furniture.

Complement with neutral colours so that the environment maintains its primary function, offering relaxation.

8 – Chalkboard

You can make the environments in your home more inviting, to gather friends, with blackboards that allow guests to leave messages or even register everyday scenes.

This element can be added to an entire wall as wallpaper or just as a picture on the wall. More than cosiness, it’s an idea that brings people who share the house.

9 – Relaxation

Relaxed, the deconstructed decor is an option that adds a more youthful feel to your home and can make rooms more relaxing.

A simple decorative trick, which gives “another face” to the environment, is to lower the paintings from the walls to the floor without officially hanging them.

Choose boards with messages or illustrations that represent your personality and what you expect from the moments in this environment. Furniture should follow this path, being lighter and more fun, either for its design or colours.

10 – Signs

For those with a more daring style, the recommendation is to bet on different elements for your decoration, such as neon signs.

It may be necessary to invest a little more than the budget initially planned. But rest assured, the result will be cosy and fun for lively gatherings with friends. You can still opt for sculptures or paintings with a more relaxed air.

11 – Small details that make a big difference

Pay particular consideration to the small details that help shape the decoration of your rooms.

  • Flowers in a vase;
  • A set of decorative objects, with similar shapes;
  • Texture in one of the furniture;
  • The pillows, with a printed cover…

Finally, elements that may not be the first to be seen but give grace to the general context.

These were our decor inspiration tips to redesign the house. We hope it will be easier to create light and relaxed environments to receive your friends!