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Feng Shui Tips to Improve Home Office Energy

Do you work from home? So apply some Feng Shui techniques to improve home office energy.

Working from home requires a lot of discipline and requires a special environment, which, in addition to being comfortable, must be organized to attract prosperity and further enhance the capacity to produce. Check out Feng Shui tips for the home office.

Feng Shui techniques are able to modify the energy of the environment, making the space more harmonious, comfortable and ideal for performing some profitable activity. The tips are valuable for those who started working at home recently, the correct arrangement of furniture and even the decorative objects in the office, help make the environment even more professional and facilitate concentration.

Tips for applying Feng Shui in the home office

Space needs energies that vibrate in favour of creativity, well-being and productivity. See Feng Shui tips for home office:

1 – Choose a room without clutter

1 – Choose a room without clutter

To be successful working at home, it is necessary to choose an appropriate space for the office, improvising a table in the mess room makes any activity even more exhausting. The environment must be free from any type of accumulation or excessive noise.

2 – Table position

2 – Table position 1

2 – Table position

The table should be placed close to the door, which is considered an ideal place for Feng Shui work. However, it is noteworthy that you should not keep your back to the door, without seeing who is entering or leaving the office, this can increase the feeling of imprisonment and also block energies capable of contributing to prosperity.

Behind you, it is essential that there is something solid (a wall, for example). If there is a window, the tip is to keep it covered. This care contributes to a feeling of security and stability.

3 – The power of metal

3 – The power of metal

Metals attract financial stability, betting on furniture made of this material, regardless of colour, is a great alternative to prevent the risk of going red. Exaggeration can lead the environment to a real imbalance of energy, a fact that can impact other aspects and compromise the work. Keep the objects in the left corner of the place.

4 – Colors to improve concentration

4 – Colors to improve concentration

Decorating in earthy tones such as red, beige, yellow, orange and light browns can aid concentration and increase the sense of determination while working. Colours can be included in the environment by painting one of the walls or objects close to the work table.

5 – Water to improve communication

5 – Water to improve communication

In the home office, water must be represented through glass objects, fountains, mirrors or aquariums. The element is important for the professional to be able to maintain good communication with clients and partners. It is important that it is always positioned north of the office.

6 – Wooden objects to work always motivated

6 – Wooden objects to work always motivated

Wood is one of the five essential elements for balance in feng shui, including water, fire, earth and metal. The decoration with wooden objects, especially in shades of brown and green, makes the work routine at home light and inspired by inspiration. In addition, wood is able to attract new experiences, such as profitable partnerships, travel and a greater number of customers.

7 – The red to attract success

7 – The red to attract success

The Bagua is a kind of map with an octagonal shape, used to apply Feng Shui and which has the red colour as a representative of success. Therefore, colour is essential in the home office and should be highlighted in the decoration of ateliers and psychology offices. The southern corner is most suitable for harbouring red.

8 – Round shapes

8 – Round shapes

Rounded tables, chairs and objects help in the circulation of energy, while an office made up only of straight-line furniture lead to stagnation and difficulties in professional growth.

9 – Visual motivations

9 – Visual motivations

The home office needs elements capable of stimulating the daily work routine. This includes positive messages, photos of family members and even images of inspiring personalities. Decorate the walls with images and mottos related to your business. This helps to attract success and prosperity!

10 – A nice view

10 – A nice view

To stay creative and productive throughout the day, the tip is to have a nice view from your desk. How about working right by the window, in front of a landscape you like a lot?

11 – Decorate with plants

11 – Decorate with plants

Feng shui is a powerful ally to ward off negative energies. One way to repel bad vibrations and still purify the air is to decorate the space with plants. Peace lily and African violet are good choices for space.

Plants are great choices for reducing electronic pollution in the environment from computers, cell phones, printers, and other electronic devices.

12 – Avoid overcrowded shelves.

12 – Avoid overcrowded shelves.

As much as you love your books, feng shui experts recommend avoiding overcrowded bookcases. When looking at this piece of furniture during the workday, you run the risk of feeling overwhelmed. If you are going to display some books in your office decor, choose only those that inspire you.

13 – Natural light

13 – Natural light

Whenever possible, open your office window or door. Let natural light enter the space. This simple tip contributes to productivity.

What’s up? Did you like Feng Shui tips for the home office? Put the advice into practice and improve the energy of the work environment.