
22 Useful Tips to Save Bucks on Electricity

Saving is using less and if you use less electricity, you will spend less money per month. It’s simple, effective and just a small gesture you already know: turn off buttons or switches. The ideal is to make the tips presented below into everyday habits – economic gestures that will drastically reduce your electricity bill!

1- Turn Off the Lights

Get used to turning off all the lights every time you leave a room… after all, is there any reason why the bedroom light is on so that you’ll spend the next few hours cooking and then having dinner? Your wallet thanks!

2- Dimmer

A dimmer can also help reduce electricity consumption. Alternatively, always choose oriented lighting, that is, if you are reading, just turn on the lamp beside you, you don’t need the ceiling light on either!

3- Energy Saving Bulbs

Replace all incandescent bulbs with energy saving or low energy bulbs. Don’t be scared by the price – although they are much more expensive than “normal” light bulbs it is an investment that will pay off – they consume 6 times less energy and last 8 times longer.

4- Switch Off all Appliances

It may seem harmless, but the truth is that your electricity bill will register less money if you switch off all appliances that can be kept on standby (that red spot light that stays on after we switch off the TV on the remote and which still uses 25% of energy!)… this applies to televisions, DVDs, stereos, etc.

5- Turn Off Unneccessary Switches

Turn off all appliances that are not currently in use – computers, printers, scanners, photocopiers, coffee maker, microwave.

6- Avoid Overnight Charging 

Avoid leaving your phone charging overnight. Unfortunately, it continues to use electricity, even if the charge is already complete. On the other hand, when picking up your mobile phone after charging, never leave the charger in the socket, otherwise it will continue to consume energy!

7- Buy Energy Saving Household Appliances

Household appliances are responsible for the largest share of the electricity bill and the numbers prove it: the fridge and freezer absorb 30% of the electricity consumption of a household and the washing and drying machines, around 10%. However, we can no longer live without them,

but they can live in harmony with our wallet! Whenever you buy a new appliance, buy an A-class model – they are much more energy efficient in terms of energy. As a rule, they are more expensive than other models, but you’ll get a return on that investment in your electricity bill in no time!

8- Tricks to Switch Off the Oven

Every time you open the oven door to take a look at the roast, you lose 25% of heat, which means that the oven will have to reheat (consume more!) to return to the initial temperature. When cooking, learn these 2 tricks: cook with the lids of the pans on, consumes only a quarter of the energy you would need if you didn’t; always switch off the oven or hobs a few minutes earlier than expected – the accumulated heat is enough to continue cooking food! Alternatively, choose pressure cookers or steam cookers, they allow for electrical savings of up to 70%!

9- Choose Microwave

To heat food, choose the microwave over the oven or stove.

10- Avoid Hot Food in Fridge 

Refrigerators and freezers should be away from windows, doors and the stove so as not to force them to work (and spend!) more. Do not put food that is still hot in the fridge and keep your thermostat between 3º and 5º – it is the ideal temperature for preserving food – below 3º it requires unnecessary electricity consumption.

11- Fridge Door

Pay attention to the fridge door! Gather all the food to store before opening the door and try to get everything you need out of the fridge at once. Make sure the door is always securely closed, when it stays open, you are spending even more than usual!

12- Full Fridge and Freezer

Did you know that a full fridge and freezer are more efficient than when they are empty? And don’t forget to regularly clean the frost accumulated in the freezer – too much frost increases electricity consumption!

13- Dishwashers and Washing Machine

Dishwashers and washing machines should only work with their maximum load and, if possible, at night, when electricity rates are cheaper. Check with your electricity company and find out what time you can save!

14- Tricks for using Machines

Dishwashers and washing machines use more energy to heat water, that is, just wash at 40º instead of 60º to save more than 40% of electricity! If you can, wash it with cold water (ideal for dark clothes, by the way!). What’s more, most of these appliances offer cost-effective programs, so take advantage of them when it’s time to wash!

15- Exchange the Dryer

Whenever possible, exchange the dryer for the drying rack and the open air. However, when using it, don’t forget, always at full load and dry several times in a row to take advantage of the accumulated heat!

16- Reduce Heating and Air Conditoning Usage Time

Reduce heating and air conditioning usage time by insulating doors and windows well to keep heat and cold within four walls. If you have a choice, opt for double glazing – in addition to ensuring excellent thermal insulation, the excellent acoustic insulation will bring you peace of mind!

17- Clean or Change AC Filter

In the summer months, keep windows and blinds closed during the hottest hours, opening them in the morning or evening (when it’s cooler) to cool the house. This can lead to less use of air conditioners. Speaking of air conditioning, you should clean or change your filter every month – you can save up to 20% electricity! Another trick: just keep a room temperature of 25º, instead of reducing it to 20º, for example, to continue hoarding! Alternatively, choose fans – ceiling or standing – they are much more economical!

18- Electric Thermostat

Purchase an electric thermostat – this is a small thermostat that, connected to your climate control device, can be programmed to turn on at the most economical times.

19- Hot Water Temperature

Lower the hot water temperature. If your water heater is electric, just reduce the water temperature a few degrees (you probably won’t even notice!) to start saving now!

20- Natural Lighting

Use and abuse natural light. Open curtains and blinds to brighten and warm houses on winter days (make sure all windows and doors are well insulated so the heat doesn’t escape at dusk). It’s free! Want a better argument?

21-Solar Panel

Install a solar panel and enjoy the sun to heat your home!

22- Sensor Exterior Lighting 

You can also save electricity outside the house. Directly, with the installation of sensors, so that the exterior lighting is activated only in the presence of someone. Indirectly, through gardening, ie plant tall trees and shrubs to create pleasant shade in summer and to block icy winds in winter.