Bedroom Design

10 Things You Should and Shouldn’t Have in Your Bedroom


Review the points covered in this article to determine if your bedroom meets all the requirements to improve your sleep quality.

1- Insulate your room against noise

1- Insulate your room against noise

The bedroom is the area dedicated to rest, so try not to place sound elements in the bedroom to isolate it as much as possible. To do this, use thicker carpets and thicker curtains than in other rooms to dampen vibrations.

Did you know that there are plants that also insulate noise? For example, ivy. It’s time to buy some ivy for your room.

2- A mattress for your needs

2- A mattress for your needs

A mattress adapts to your body with material and firmness that guarantees comfort. The spring reduce pressure throughout the body, the viscoelastic is ideal for the more cautious, and the latex improves muscle pressure.

3- Good ventilation in the room

3- Good ventilation in the room

Ventilating your home every day should be one of your priorities, as it is very beneficial for your health. This avoids the risk of allergies and infections while increasing the amount of oxygen. Ten minutes is quite enough and even in winter. Close the doors of the bedrooms in winter to not bring in more heat than you need.

4- An ideal storage system

4- An ideal storage system

You must avoid accumulating clutter in the bedroom by installing storage systems. Do not hesitate to place practical wicker baskets, which you can change places at any time. The less clutter, the better you’ll sleep.

5- Less internet in the room

5- Less internet in the room

All that matters is your rest in your bedroom, and until you take it seriously, you won’t notice the benefits. According to a study by the FIOM Business School, it is advisable to physically distance ourselves from our mobile phone, without the temptation to look at it before sleeping or just when we wake up.

6- A headboard

6- A headboard

According to Feng-Shui for the bedroom, this element is very advisable because it gives us a feeling of security. Moreover, our head is an essential energy point and significantly influences our lives. So it makes sense to protect it night after night. A headboard is securely attached to the bed frame.

7- A tidy work area

7- A tidy work area

Work and rest should be in different rooms. Sometimes that’s not possible, or you want to have the office in that space. In this case, you mustn’t maintain order with any messy paper in the room.

8- A zone to soothe

8- A zone to soothe

Did you know that the smell of jasmine soothes our bodies? In addition, ivy is an ideal plant to eliminate 78% of mold in the air in just 12 hours.

9- Fewer dark colors

9- Fewer dark colors

If you want to opt for the best formula, choose light or neutral colors. You can play with curtains, blankets, cushions and other accessories to add pops of color and create the necessary contrasts.

Blue, yellow and green is also relaxing. Intense colors provide energy not needed for sleep. You can place a piece of wall with a dark color for the work area.

10- What you like

10- What you like

Surround yourself with candles, pictures, or photographs close to your heart. Details that add up. Ultimately, the most important thing is that you don’t need anything else when you’re in your room.